Instead, I get to learn more about amplifiers using Bode plots. I had plenty of fun experimenting with the settings on the amplifier and listening to the sound change, all while annoying my parents in the process. Figure shows the circuit in Multisim with an oscilloscope display and Bode plotter.Picture the scene: a 10 year old child just received their first Fender electric guitar with matching amplifier for their birthday and proceeds to crank away.

The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate how to use Multisim in order to produce Bode Plots via AC Analysis. Figure 2: Bode Plotter in Multisim Using the oscilloscope find Vout to fill in Table 1 below. Lab 2: Bandpass Filter and Frequency Response1 Objectives Get familiar with computer-based instruments. The cursor is set to the critical frequency on the Bode plotter so that.

This plot will allow for a determination of the range of frequencies for which an op-amp circuit operates optimally. Students will make adjustments to external bias resistors to determine the relationship between gain and frequency in op-amp circuits. Then using Vout and Vin, which is given as 5, calculate the. Learn to use Multisim circuit simulation software. After the schematic design is captured, Multisim provides you with an interactive oscilloscope, bode plotter, logic analyzer, power supply, multimeter, function. I have designed the experiments around student familiarization with usage of specialized instruments such as the Bode Plotter, Spectrum Analyzer and Network. Learn to use NI Multisim Live Online Circuit Simulator. Strengthen understanding of frequency response of circuits and Bode plots.2 Equipment Web browser Search Multisim Live in google, enter the first link in the search results Login with your NI account (register one if you have not done so) On the top right corner, click create circuit3. Screenshot of your bandpass filter design (the circuit in Multisim Live) withcalculation details (provide the R1, R2, C1, C2 values that you use to derive the twocorner frequencies: 450Hz and 12kHz)V11Vpk1kHz0C1R211nF12kR130kC21105pF4. Screen shot of the AC sweep result (two curves: one is for magnitude, and one is forphase of the frequency response). Measure and record the actual corner frequencieson the curves (hint: the magnitude of the frequency response at the corner frequenciesis equal to 1/2 )5.